Country Music(鄉間之音) ACT III
1 . It was so nice to be out in the country.出去置身鄉下真是太好了。
2 . Everything smelled so special.所有的東西都有一股特別的味道。
3 . The village was filled with people--the weather was so nice.鎮上擠滿了人--因為天氣好的緣故。
4 . I think we'd better head home.我想我們最好上路回家啦。
5 . It was nice here, too.這兒也很好。
6 . Believe me, Max is fine.相信我, Max很好。
7 . And we brought some home for you.而且帶了一些回來給你 。
8 . about taking care of babies, I assure you.如何照顧小孩, 我向你保證。
9 . He knows all there is to know,他無所不知,
10 . A little special country music.一點特殊的鄉村音樂。
11 . Did you get a chance to get outside at all?有時間出門嗎?
12 . and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy.使得我們的週末過得非常輕鬆愉快。
13 . Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep.為什麼不到你的房間去?媽媽, 去睡一會兒。
14 . There's your sleeping bag.這是你們的睡袋。
15 . What did I tell you?我不是告訴過你嗎?
16 . Say good-bye to Richard.替我向Richard說聲再見。
17 . Did you do anything special?你們做了什麼特別的事情嗎?
18 . Oh, nothing's wrong, Richard.噢 ,沒有什麼事, Richard。
19 . My mother knows all there is to know我母親完全懂得
20 . I don't know if I can get to sleep.我不知道我能否睡得著。
21 . I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake.我還以為Max會哭個不停, 讓大家都睡不著。
22 . The soothing sounds of the country.安詳的鄉村音響。
23 . We've got a forty-minute drive into the city.我們還要開四十分鐘的車到城裡去。
24 . Uh, we're home now, Ellen.噢 ,我們現在到家了, Ellen。
25 . Grandpa helped me yesterday afternoon.昨天下午祖父幫我的忙。
26 . Come on. You all helped.別這樣說。你們都幫了忙。
27 . and I stayed out an extra half hour.我還特別多待了半個小時。
28 . How was your weekend?你們的週末過得怎麼樣
29 . It would be a great business if you could do that.假如你能辦到那樣的話, 可是一筆大生意。
30 . We picked flowers.我們拾了花。
31 . We'll call you all tomorrow night.我們明天晚上打電話給你們。
32 . We'll take care of it.我們去照顧。
33 . Let's see if it works.讓我們看看是不是有效果。
34 . Oh, I feel so bad.噢, 我真抱歉。
35 . We had a great time, Mom.我們玩得非常開心,媽媽。
36 . You were wonderful, Harry!你真是了不起, Harry
37 . Something wrong?有什麼不對勁嗎?
38 . It would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells.假如我們能將氣味裝瓶該有多好。
39 . I think I'm falling asleep.我想我要睡著了。
40 . Oh. Oh, where did you get that?噢。噢, 你們從哪兒弄來的?
41 . I went to the supermarket to get a few things,我去一趟超級市場, 買了幾樣東西,
42 . Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off.讓我們把部份東西拿出來, 然後就走啦。
43 . Tell me more about your weekend.多告訴我一點你們的週末。
44 . I'm sure everything is fine.我確信一切都很好。
45 . and I do mean welcome home.我真心歡迎你們回來。
46 . The weather couldn't have been better.天氣再好不過了。
47 . It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive.已經晚了, 而我們還要開好一段路呢。
48 . Neither can you.也不能入睡。
49 . They smell wonderful.聞起來很香。
50 . But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep, poor dear.但他的牙疼, 他不能入睡, 可憐的小寶貝。