商務英語 900 句
第 55 部分
1 . Whose responsibility are the shipment charges?運費由誰來負責呢?
2 . Who assumes shipment cost?誰負擔運費呢?
3 . That seems quite soon considering the nature of the product and shipping time.考慮到產品的性質和運輸時間那看來太快了。
4 . Delivery costs will have to be borne by the manufacturer, I'm afraid.運費恐怕要由製造廠商來承擔。
5 . We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port.我們也要貴方負責保險以及把貨物運到港口的費用。
6 . How much of a volume discount are you prepared to offer?總折扣你們準備提供多少?
7 . Other buyers are satisfied with it, but we could delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front.其他買主對這貨物很滿意,但如果你能先付40%貨款,我們可以延遲交運。
8 . That would be the responsibility of the buyer. We are prepared, however, to provide all the documentation costs.那是屬於買方的責任,我們僅承擔提供所有文件的費用。
9 . If you can guarantee on-time delivery with a penalty for late delivery, we can accept your sales price.如果你能保證用懲罰延誤發貨方式準時發貨,你的銷售價我們可以接受。
10 . In that case, we might need to reopen the question of prices.如果是那樣,我們也許需要重新討論價格。