學校生活 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . She has both a good brain and beauty.她才貌雙全。
2 . I'm busy packing for the journey.我為外出旅行,正忙著打點行李。
3 . I'm sick and tired of you!你讓我煩透了。
4 . There is still a week to go before the vacation begins.現在距離假期還有一星期。
5 . You don't have to work yourself sick.你不必讓自己工作到病倒。
6 . When you have nothing to do, time goes slowly.你沒事做時,時間便過得很慢。
7 . I'm sick and tired of your criticisms.不要再說了,我已經聽膩了你的批評。
8 . She had to work her way through law school.她必須半工半讀學法律。
9 . I'm sick of waiting around like this.我對這樣乾等著感到厭煩。
10 . I'm sick of his long, empty speeches.他那冗長而又沒有內容的演講令我厭倦。