1 . That's OK.We really need the material.沒關係,我們急著要這些原料。
2 . I'll tell the shipping superintendent about it for you.我會把這事告訴出貨組長。
3 . Send it the fastest possible way.用最快的方式。
4 . That might cost a little more.那樣恐怕要多花點錢。
5 . That is our peak season.下個月是我們的旺季。
6 . How fast could we have this order?這批貨多快可以交給我們?
7 . Maybe we had better do that.看來就這麼辦吧。
8 . Will it cause a delay?會耽擱出貨嗎?
9 . We could guarantee delivery better if you would take it now.如果現在交貨我們較能保證如期交到。
10 . It would be easier for us if you would ship next month.如果能在下個月出貨的話我們會輕鬆一些。
11 . We'll get it right out.我們馬上就出貨。
12 . How would you like this order shipped?這批貨您要怎麼運送?
13 . In five working days, if we ship by air.如果空運的話,五個工作天內可以到。