瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . The millionaire had a personal finance consultant invest his money.這個百萬富翁有一位私人理財顧問負責他的投資。
2 . You should save some money in case of urgent need.你應該存點錢以備不時之需。
3 . We urgently need to establish our own credit system.我們期待建立我們自己的信用機制。
4 . You can deposit the money into my bank account.你可以把錢存進我的銀行賬戶。
5 . The bank canceled his loan and took back his car.銀行取消了他的貸款並收回了他的車。
6 . Stocks, shares and bonds are good alternatives for personal investment.儲蓄、股票和債券是個人投資很好的選擇。
7 . A credit card is very useful when you go traveling.當然旅遊的時候,信用卡很有用。
8 . He ofter overdrafts his account.他的賬戶經常透支。
9 . Everyone hates the banks, but we have no alternative but to use them.人人都討厭銀行,但是我們沒有選擇,只能繼續同銀行打交道。
10 . I'm in the red again, would you mind lending me some money?我又 囊中羞澀了,借點錢給我吧。