第 25 部分(額外成就感)
1 . I have great difficulty in understanding him.我覺得很難理解他。
2 . I did it without much difficulty.我沒費多少勁就完成了那項工作。
3 . They won't listen, so don't waste your breath telling them.他們聽不進去,不必和他們多費口舌了。
4 . It seems to be the best solution.這似乎是最好的解決辦法。
5 . He is in difficulty in his business.他在事業上遇到困難了。
6 . He is very hard to handle.他很難應付。
7 . I'd stay if they promoted me, but I can't see that happening.假如他們提升我,我就留下來,但我看那是不可能的。
8 . Those noisy children simply got on my last nerves.那群孩子吵吵鬧鬧,簡直攪得我心神不寧。
9 . Do whatever seems best.只要察覺出是最好的,就去做。
10 . The embarrassing situation caused me to lose face.令人尷尬的場合讓我丟了面子。