社交性寒喧 - 額外成就感(三)
1 . She is a particular friend of mine.她是我特殊的朋友。
2 . I feel rotten about not taking the children out.我沒有帶孩子出去覺得很不痛快。
3 . It must be interesting for you.你對那一定很關心。
4 . What's going on?你在忙些什麼?
5 . What are you up to?你在忙些什麼?
6 . I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson.我要當邁克爾.傑克遜那樣的歌星。
7 . You'll feel better after a good night's sleep.你好好睡上一覺就會好些。
8 . He is not very interesting to talk to.跟他談話沒味道。
9 . She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有處變不驚的本事。
10 . He did it as a special favor.他做這事算是特別照顧。
11 . I've always wanted a garden like theirs.我總想有一座像他們那樣的花園。
12 . Keep quiet, I'm trying to get some work done.請安靜,我要處理一些工作。
13 . He never drinks except on special occasions.除非在特別場合,他從不喝酒。
14 . Is there any particular color you would prefer?你有什麼特別喜歡的顏色嗎?