瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Rock'n roll is not my cup of tea.搖滾不是我的所愛。
2 . Do you fancy the Back Street Boys?你喜歡「後街男孩」嗎?
3 . The sales record of My Heart Will Go On by Celin Dion has yet to be broken.席林.迪翁的《我心永恆》創下了銷售紀錄暫時還無人可以打破。
4 . Hollywood is the biggest plant for dreams.好萊塢是最大的夢工場。
5 . The soundtrack from Lord of the Rings has truned into a big hit.《指環王》的原聲唱片賣得滿堂紅。
6 . If you'd like to hear some new English songs, I suggest you download them from the web.如果你想聽一些新的英文歌,我建議你上網下載。
7 . Jazz music is performed at many dinner parties.在很多宴會派對裡都有爵士樂的演奏。
8 . Recomposing and remixing the rhythms of old classic songs into new ones has become a trend in music circles.對經典的歌曲進行重新演繹和混音已經成為音樂圈裡的潮流。
9 . Classic FM is my favorite, please tune it in.古典調頻電台是我的最愛,請調到那個頻道。
10 . I like this song very much, in terms of its rhythm and melody.我很喜歡這首歌,喜歡它的節奏和旋律。