生活和商務 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . I can't make up my mind about it.關於那件事,我還不能做決定。
2 . He has realized how precious health is.他已經體會到健康的可貴。
3 . Let's postpone making a decision until we have more information.咱們在獲取更多的情報後再做決定也不遲。
4 . Things will work themselves out.事情自會有好結果的。
5 . He made up his mind to give up smoking.他下決心戒煙。
6 . You made a favorable impression on the examiners.你給主考留下了很好的印象。
7 . The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather.比賽因天氣不好而延期到下個星期六進行。
8 . Did she accept your reasons for being late?她是否接受你遲到的理由?
9 . The college I applied to has accepted me.我報名的學院已經錄取我了。
10 . We formed a very favorable impression of her.我們對她的印象極好。
11 . I didn't realize how late is was.我不知道已經這麼晚了。