諺語精選 - 額外成就感英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語諺語精選 - 額外成就感對白,諺語精選 - 額外成就感英文怎麽說



諺語精選 - 額外成就感用英語怎麽說


諺語精選 - 額外成就感

1 . The robber struck him on the head.強盜打他的頭。

2 . The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike.這裡的氣候總是那麼熱,夏季與冬季都一樣。

3 . I ventured to correct the teacher's mistake.我鼓起勇氣去糾正老師的錯誤。

4 . He ventured upon an enterprise.他大膽地開始了他的事業。

5 . The two sistes are very much alike.這兩姐妹長得非常相像。

6 . The answer leapt out at me.答案突然在我腦海中閃現出來。

7 . Life has its ups and downs, but it certainly has its rewards.人生有沉也有浮,但是無論怎樣都確有其價值。

8 . He strikes the table angrily.他氣得大拍桌子。

9 . He was a dull man and you had to explain things very slowly to him.他腦筋遲鈍,你必須慢慢地給他解釋事情。

10 . The cut healed slowly.傷口慢慢地痊癒了。

11 . He ventured to speak to her.他鼓起勇氣向她說話。

12 . He ventured his life to rescue a drowning child.他冒著生命危險去搶救一個溺水的孩子。

13 . Time heals all sorrows.時間會治癒一切悲哀的。

14 . The crowd flocked around the speaker.人群聚集在演講人四周。

15 . The horse leaped a stream.馬越過小溪。

16 . Customers flocked into the store.顧客湧入那家商店。

17 . He couldn't teach such dull children.他教不了這麼笨的孩子。

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