瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . He's an extremist, and quite fanatical.他是個極端分子,非常狂熱。
2 . The communists don't believe in God or ghosts.共產主義者不相信鬼神。
3 . I read my horoscope every morning, but I don't really believe in it.我每天早上都看我的運程,但是我不相信它。
4 . God bless you.上帝保佑你。
5 . I am an atheist.我是一個無神論者。
6 . Do you believe in Christianity?你信仰基督教嗎?
7 . He doesn't have any beliefs; he just takes one day at a time.他沒有什麼信仰,每天只是得過且過
8 . He prays every night before sleep.他每晚睡覺著都祈禱。
9 . The belief crisis occurring in the younger generation may turn out to be a big problem.年輕一代的信仰危機很可能演化成為一個大問題。
10 . We'd all like to believe that we have a bright future ahead of us.我們都願意相信我們的前面是一個美好的不未來。