瀟灑英語演講 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . We're in competition with several other companies for the contract.我們與另外幾家公司逐爭取這個合同。
2 . After dinner, they adjourned to the study to talk.晚飯後,他們到書房談話去了。
3 . He has a very distinguished record.他一生顯赫。
4 . The population of Africa is growing by leaps and bounds.非洲的人口正在極其迅速地增長。
5 . Education for women has improved in leaps and bounds.婦女教育十分迅速地得到了改善。
6 . He threw a dance for them.他為他們舉行晚會。
7 . The committee adjourned to a larger hall.該委員會將會議移至大一些的會議廳舉行。
8 . Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen.拍賣時各出價對這幅名畫競爭很激烈。
9 . This airline has a good safety record.這家航空公司有很好的飛行安全記錄。