句子就是一切 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . She spends much of her leisure times watching TV.她花很多空閒時間看電視。
2 . The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.這條新馬路的修築因天氣惡劣而受阻。
3 . I lack words, with which to express my thanks.我無法以言語來表達我的感激之情。
4 . Let us talk about it at our leisure.那件事我們有空再談吧。
5 . I have no leisure time to play golf.我沒空閒打高爾夫球。
6 . The whole thing was held up about half an hour.整個事情耽擱了約半小時。
7 . They lacked for nothing.他們什麼都不缺。
8 . I am at leisure now.我現在有空。
9 . The accident held the train up for an hour.那事故使火車延誤了一個小時。
10 . An ambulance will be here in no time.救護車馬上就到。