拋磚引玉 - 介紹演講者之經典演講(一)英語對話,瘋狂英語演講真功夫卡,英語拋磚引玉 - 介紹演講者之經典演講(一)對白,拋磚引玉 - 介紹演講者之經典演講(一)英文怎麽說



拋磚引玉 - 介紹演講者之經典演講(一)用英語怎麽說


拋磚引玉 - 介紹演講者之經典演講(一)

1 . Mr. Jones spent his undergraduate days at Columbia.瓊斯先生在哥倫比亞大學渡過了他的大學時代。

2 . Went on to get his master's degree from harvard.然後在哈佛大學取得了學士學位。

3 . He has spent over six years working in Africa and India.在非洲和印度工作了六年。

4 . Mr. Jones is a renowned international authority on the problem of overpopulation in developing countries.瓊斯先生在發展中國家人口過剩問題方面是聲譽卓著的國際權威。

5 . We're Killing Ourselves, in which he tries to sketch life in the year 2000.「我們正在自殺」,在這本書中他簡述了2000年的生活。

6 . So let us all welcome him to the podium.讓我們歡迎瓊斯先生上台演講。

7 . A Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy from Yale.在耶魯大學攻讀了哲學博士學位。

8 . We're all anxious to hear Mr. Jones'remarks.我們都很急切地想傾聽瓊斯先生的講話。

9 . It is my pleasure to introduce the keynote speaker for today.我很榮幸地介紹今天的主講人。

10 . He has come to be recognized as an expert in the problem of overpopulation and food supply.由於他的經驗促使他終於成為了公認的人口過剩和食物供應問題的專家。

11 . Mr. Jones is the author of the controversial book.瓊斯先生寫出了一本有爭議的書。

12 . After graduation, Mr. Jones immediately became a member of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.畢業後瓊斯先生就加入了聯合國救濟善後總署。

13 . He has graciously consented to speak to us on that subject tonight.他同意今晚他將就這一專題演講。

14 . Mr. Stone Jones of the United Nations.來自聯合國的世通.瓊斯先生。

15 . Through his experiences during those six years.在這六年中。

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