第 1 部分(額外成就感)
1 . What's it like, being and actor?做為一個演員,你有什麼想法?
2 . I envy you your health.我羨慕你健康和身體。
3 . I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decision.在做出最後決定之前,我必須先同我的律師聯繫一下。
4 . He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction.他意識到走錯了方向。
5 . Newspapers keep us in contact with the events of the world.報紙是巨大的信息來源,互聯網也不能取代它的地位。
6 . Please contact me when you come home.你回到家時請跟我聯繫。
7 . It is up to you to carry out the plan.由你實行那個計劃。
8 . She envied John for this success.她娘娘約翰的成功。
9 . It's up to us to help those in need.我們有責任幫助那些有困難的人。
10 . We headed out to school.我們出發去學校。