第 16 部分(額外成就感)
1 . Let me tell you the story of my experience.讓我告訴你們我的親身經歷吧。
2 . He is easily offended.他容易生氣。
3 . He apologized for having offended her visitors.他因為冒犯她的客人而向她道歉。
4 . Just lately I've caugth up to my works.最近我的工作忙死了。
5 . The homework took me a whole day.做家庭作業花了我一整天的時間。
6 . He is up to his ears in debt.他債台高築。
7 . I can't believe his story.我無法相信他的說法。
8 . You've no ideas how much work there is.你想像不到工作量有多大。
9 . It takes courage to do so.這樣做需要勇氣。
10 . That work will take three hours.完成那項工作需要三小時。