The Blink Date(介紹會面) ACT II
1 . I do some work for Smith and Dale,Your company's accounting firm.我為貴公司的會計顧問公司 Smith和Dale事務所裡做一些工作。
2 . I do, too. I come here often.我也是。我常來這 。
3 . Very nice to meet you.很樂意見到你。
4 . No, no. Please, go ahead.不用 ,不用。你走吧。
5 . Here we are.所以我們才有緣相見。
6 . And there's a phone call for you, Mr. Bennett. Bennett先生, 有你的電話。
7 . Do you have a picture of her?你有她的照片嗎?
8 . No, it's Ok.不用, 沒有關係 。
9 . This is my friend Harry Bennett.這是我的朋友Harry Bennett。
10 . Crispy fried noodles. I love them.酥炒 。我喜歡吃。
11 . It's our first date.這是我們的第一次約會。
12 . A special place for special people.這是為特殊人物而設的特別地方。
13 . My daughter isn't feeling well.我女兒感到不舒服。
14 . Would you like something to drink?你們要點什麼飲料嗎?
15 . I'll have to go home.我必須回家一趟。
16 . Rose-petal salad.玫瑰花瓣沙拉。
17 . Pleased to meet you.很高興見到你。
18 . Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice.是的 我要一杯加冰塊的姜味汽水。
19 . Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's.Stewart小姐的任何朋友在Somsak餐廳都是受歡迎的。
20 . I have a daughter.我有一個女兒。
21 . I have to leave. I feel terrible, but...我得走了。真是糟糕透了, 但……
22 . Let me take you home first.先讓我送你回家吧。
23 . I'll take care of everything.我會好好照料一切。
24 . May I bring you a salad?要不要來點沙拉呢?
25 . Please forgive me, Susan, but...請原諒我 ,Susan, 但……
26 . How about a California chablis?來一杯California白葡萄酒好嗎?
27 . What's the matter?發生了什麼事?
28 . Will you forgive me?能原諒我嗎?
29 . Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle.當然。我為Michelle擔心。
30 . Fine, thank you.很好, 謝謝你 。
31 . I'll phone you.我會給你打電話的。
32 . What? Oh, yes. Starving. Well, I...什麼? 噢, 是, 我很餓。好啦 ,我……
33 . I know. How old is she?我知道。她多大了?
34 . I hope nothing is wrong.但願沒有事。
35 . We'll make another.我們還可以再次約會。
36 . I like it here.我喜歡這裡 。
37 . I recommend rose-petal salad.我向你們推薦玫瑰花瓣沙拉。
38 . That's true. Harry Bennett,certified public accountant.是的。Harry Bennett註冊會計師。
39 . What would you like to eat?你們要吃點什麼?
40 . I'll get the rest of the dinner.我去把晚餐的其餘東西端來。
41 . I don't know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache,我不知道。臨時保姆說她肚子疼.
42 . Oh no! Is it serious?噢, 糟糕, 嚴重嗎?
43 . I'm the vice-president of new toy development.我是負責新玩具開發的副總裁。
44 . Rose-petal salad?玫瑰花瓣沙拉好嗎?
45 . Special for new friends.特地為新朋友準備的。
46 . I know you 're a CPA.我知道你是一位會計師。
47 . That's a nice age. What's her name?正是美妙年齡。她什麼名字?
48 . Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome!嗨! Stewart小姐! 歡迎你!
49 . What do you recommend today?今天你推薦什麼沙拉?
50 . Harry, would you like to see a menu? Harry你想看看菜單嗎?