第 31 部分(額外成就感)
1 . We are supposed to help each other.我們理應彼此幫助。
2 . He seems very serious, but in fact he has a delightful sense of humor.他看上去很嚴肅,其實很詼諧。
3 . I'm afraid I can't get away from the meeting.我恐怕難以從會議中抽身。
4 . If she gets mad with him, she will not speak to him for days.她對他一生氣就會許多天不跟他說話。
5 . I do feel mad about making that stupid mistake.我犯了那個愚蠢的錯誤確實懊惱不已。
6 . How did he get away with cheating?他是如何考試做弊而未被發現?
7 . He is supposed to be there on time.按理說他應該準時到那兒。
8 . I don't feel up to going to work today.我今天不舒服,不能上班。
9 . I was reminded of my promise.有人提醒我不要忘了我的承諾。
10 . Remind me to mail this letter.記得提醒我要寄這封信。