1 . No, thank you. It's too late. I really have to go.不,謝謝。太晚了,我真的該走了。
2 . Thank you. Would you like something to drink? A cup of coffee?謝謝。你想喝點兒什麼?來杯咖啡嗎?
3 . Thanks a lot for having us.真感謝你邀請我們來。
4 . We had a good time.我們玩得很愉快。
5 . I'm glad you came. You're welcome any time.我很高興你能來。隨時都歡迎你們來。
6 . Thanks. Excuse me.謝謝。對不起,失陪了。
7 . OK. By the way, tell your wife she throws a successful party.好。還有,請告訴你夫人,她辦了一個很成功的宴會。
8 . Well, that was delicious! Thanks very much indeed. I know that you are a really good cook.阿,這頓飯真是太可口了,非常感謝。我知道你是一個非常出色的廚師。
9 . I will. See you later.我會告訴她的。再見!
10 . Would you like to call home?你給家裡掛個電話怎麼樣?
11 . Thanks. I'll see you Monday at the office.謝謝。咱們星期一辦公室再見了。
12 . Congratulations again on your promotion. You deserve it.再度恭喜你高昇。你是得之無愧的。