1 . Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office.好哇,這樣我就可以暫時忘卻累人的工作了。
2 . Let's make it 6:00 at your place, is that OK?咱們六點在你們家見,好嗎?
3 . Do you feel like going to the cinema?你想去看電影嗎?
4 . That sounds a good idea. Thank you.好主意!謝謝你。
5 . Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while.對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。
6 . Thanks for inviting me to the dinner. I'm looking forward to it.謝謝你邀請我一起吃晚飯,約會日期早些到就好了。
7 . Thanks for going. I figure we should get together more often.謝謝你接受邀請。我們日後多見些面吧!