1 . Can you wire me some money? I'm broke.你能給我匯點兒錢嗎?我身無分文了。
2 . I'm working my way through college.我靠勤工儉學上大學。
3 . I got a college education by joining the military我參軍而上的大學。
4 . My parents paid my way through college.我父母供我上大學。
5 . I took out a government loan to pay for college.我靠政府貸款上的大學。
6 . What's the tuition for one year of college?大學一年的學費是多少?
7 . I attended college on an athletic scholarship.我靠體育獎學金上的大學。
8 . I work part time in the summer to pay for my tuition.我夏天做兼職來支付學費。
9 . I'll have to work for years to pay off my college loan.我得工作好幾年才能還清助學貸款。
10 . My parents set aside a college savings fund for me.我的父母為我存了一筆上學的費用。