瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . An oil tanker ran aground and lost about 15,000 gallons of gas into the sea.一般油輪擱淺,把 15000 加侖油傾瀉在海裡了。
2 . Building a city can be a disaster for the environment.新建一個城市對於環境來說可能是一場災難。
3 . If we're all prepared to recycle paper, thousands of trees could be saved every day.如果紙能被循環利用,那麼每天千千萬萬的樹木就可得以挽救。
4 . There are many natural catastroophes occurring in nature.自然界裡有很多自然災害發生。
5 . I think we should take care of the environment, so that we have something to leave for our children.我覺得我們應該保護好自然,以便將來能給我們的子孫後代留下一些東西。
6 . I love to get away and spend a few days with nature.我好想離開這裡到大自然裡呆幾天。
7 . Don't litter.請不要亂扔東西。
8 . This has to be the most scenic spot in the country, if not the world.這兒就算不能稱之為世界上最優美的景點,也可以稱得上是這個國家最美的地方了。
9 . We rely on the Earth for everyting we need to survive, so let's take care of it.我們依賴地球獲取我們生存的一切東西,因此讓我們來細心呵護它。
10 . Building a nuclear power plant now would not be doing the environment any favors.建核電站對於環境沒有什麼好處。