What's Wrong With You(疾病與健康的表達)
1 . He cut his finger because he was careless.他不小心割破了手指頭。
2 . He is suffering from whiplash.他因鞭打症而受著苦。
3 . I broke my leg.我摔斷了腿骨。
4 . He should see the doctor.他應該去看醫生。
5 . I ate too much candy. I have a toothache.我吃了太多的糖果。牙齒在痛哩。
6 . They walk as if they were drugged.他們走路像服了什麼藥物似的搖晃著。
7 . He sees things. He has gone crazy.他有幻覺。他瘋了。
8 . Don't give me your cold, man!不要把你的傷風傳染給我!
9 . I lift weights all day long. I can't think but that I'm healthy.我一整天都在舉重,健康至上嘛。
10 . He has a very bad stomachache from eating too much.他因為吃得太多而導致胃痛。
11 . She is in good shape.她的身體狀況良好。
12 . He has a headache and needs aspirin.他頭痛,需要阿斯匹林。
13 . Keep your body clean!身體要常保持清潔。
14 . He is very nervous, so he takes a lot of pills.他非常的神經質,所以要服很多藥
15 . He skinned his knee.他擦破了膝蓋的皮。
16 . He is having a temper tantrum.他在大發脾氣。
17 . He is the top condition.他的身體情況處在巔峰狀態。
18 . Do I have to go to a hospital?我應該住院