Work, Work Hard(工作與流汗的表達)(三)
1 . This woman used too much soap in her washing machine.這個女人放了太多的洗衣粉到洗衣機裡。
2 . The mailman is delivering letters.郵差在發信。
3 . The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place.報童把報紙投錯了地方。
4 . The milkman hopes the cows have plenty of milk every morning.擠牛奶的人希望每天清晨都能得到大量牛奶。
5 . The man mines coal where day seems like night.這個人在即便是白天也猶如晚上的地方開採煤炭。
6 . The firemen fight fires and rescue people.消防隊員和火災搏鬥,拯救人們。
7 . The lumberjack sweats as he cuts down a tree.伐木工人邊砍樹邊擦汗。
8 . The mechanic repairs cars.機工修理汽車。
9 . This man risks his life.這個男人在冒著生命危險。
10 . The plumber has made a mistake.配管工犯了一個錯誤。
11 . This man digs foundations for skyscrapers.這個人在挖著高層大樓的地基。
12 . He operates the crane.他在操縱起重機。
13 . This man yells directions and gets sunburned.這個人一邊曬著太陽,一邊在大聲下達指令。
14 . The sanitary engineer collects garbage.衛生隊員收集垃圾。
15 . The shore man is carrying a heavy load.碼頭工人在搬運沉重的東西。
16 . The window-washer has a dangerous job.玻璃清潔工擔負著危險的工作。
17 . The editor checks all of the current news.編輯在檢查所有的時事消息。