Work, Work Hard(工作與流汗的表達)(二)
1 . This lady is sweeping the section of sidewalk that her husbands forget.這位女人在打掃丈夫忘記打掃的人行道。
2 . The electrician wears rubber shoes on the job.電工在工作中穿著絕緣鞋。
3 . The husband has built a doghouse for his dog.丈夫為愛犬建造了狗屋。
4 . The waiter serves only the best food, of course.當然,侍者只端來最佳的膳食。
5 . The roofer is patching the roof with metal.屋面防水工在用鐵皮修補屋頂。
6 . The designer is going to create a new type of dress.服裝設計師正在設計新款女裝。
7 . The paperhanger is working with sticky wallpaper.裱紙匠正在貼著附粘膠的壁紙。
8 . This man is painting the house the wrong color.這個男人在漆著和房屋不相稱的油漆。
9 . The watchmaker is near-sighted.這位鐘錶匠是個近視眼。