1 . Please don't let the dog come in the house.請別讓狗進到屋子裡。
2 . After the flood, the carpets were wet for a month.洪水過後一個月,毛氈還是濕的。
3 . All the neighbors helped us move in.鄰居們都幫忙為我們搬家。
4 . Why did you come home so late last night?昨晚你為什麼那麼晚才回家?
5 . When the weather is hot, we turn on the air conditioner.天熱的時候就開空調。
6 . I hate to dust the furniture and bookcases.我非常討厭擦拭傢俱和書架上的塵埃。
7 . My grandparents live in the house next door.我的祖父母住在隔壁的房子裡。
8 . Dad is building another room onto the back the house.爸爸另外在屋子的後面蓋一個房間。
9 . In the fall, the boys prune the trees.在秋天,男孩們便修剪那些樹木。