1 . How long have you had this pain?疼痛多久了?
2 . These pills can be obtained by prescription only.這些藥丸只有憑醫生處方才能買到。
3 . Here's a prescription for a painkiller.這是止痛的處方。
4 . Call me tomorrow if you don't feel better.明天如果沒有好轉,就打電話給我。
5 . It is probably only the flu (influenza).可能只是流行性感冒吧。
6 . Henry got a toothache and asked to be excused.亨利牙疼,請求離開一下。
7 . You'd better see a doctor about that stomachache.你胃痛最好去看醫生。
8 . She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.她吃了一片阿斯匹林以解頭痛。
9 . I'm going to have some x-rays taken.我要拍攝X光照片。