商務英語 900 句
第 45 部分
1 . Is there any interest on this money?這筆透支要利息嗎?
2 . Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. What's your proposition?這個,呃,我看可以。您想透支多少?
3 . According to the regulations, sir, you'll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid.根據規定,先生,您應該補償銀行付的那筆款了。
4 . The cheque will be cleared in about three days.大概在3天後,支票就可以兌現了。
5 . I want to buy some traveller's checks.我想買些旅行支票。
6 . Pound Sterling please.請換成英鎊吧。
7 . I have been told you have just changed the interest rate on savings accounts. Is that true?聽說你們儲蓄率剛調過,是真的嗎?
8 . Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.是的,先生。本月12日這一天您的帳戶上透支了15美元。
9 . Have you got your cheque book with you?您支票本帶來了沒有?
10 . The amount you want to transfer.您要轉帳的金額。