1 . These buildings are supposed to be earth quakeproof.這些建築物是耐震建築才對。
2 . The flood has left many people homeless.許多人因洪水而失去了家園。
3 . In Arizona, the stars seem very bright.在亞利桑那州,星星看起來格外明亮。
4 . Look! Lightening has struck the tree and it's on fire.瞧!閃電劃下來,引燃了樹木。
5 . The water has risen over the riverbank.洪水溢過了防堤。
6 . Oh no! It's starting to rain.哦,糟了!開始下雨了!
7 . Hawaiians are used to the rumblings of the volcano.夏威夷的人已經習慣於火山的爆發聲了。
8 . One woman, in Peru, was saved from an earthquake by lying between two mattresses.秘魯的一位婦女,躲在墊子之間從地震中死裡逃生。
9 . The thunder claps really scare the children.打雷的聲音真的會嚇壞小孩子的。