1 . Do you enjoy watching your babies grow into people?目睹子女長大成人是一件快樂的事情吧?
2 . There is a tremendous responsibility involved in raising children.養育孩子是一樁責任重大的事情。
3 . Many new ideas are discovered during college years.大部分嶄新的觀念都產生於大學時代。
4 . I have so much to do after I retire.我在退休後有許多事要做。
5 . Drugs were the death of him.毒品斷送了他的生命。
6 . Now it is the child's turn to make a good home for his children.現在輪到孩子們自己為其兒女建造美好的家庭了。
7 . Graduation is often the last moment of childhood.畢業往往意味著兒童時期的結束。
8 . A good, satisfying job can be the product of years of education.一個理想而令人滿意的工作,是在接受幾年的教育之下才能獲得的。
9 . Is marriage finding someone to share life with?結婚可是在尋覓共同度過人生的人?
10 . One should travel out of his own country at least once.我們至少應該離開自己的國度去旅行一次。