1 . When the dog needs a bath, he begins to stink.當那條狗想要入浴的時候,已經開始發臭了。
2 . John wakes in the morning to the aroma of coffee.約翰在早晨會因為咖啡的香味而醒來。
3 . The scent of roses is wonderful.玫瑰的芳香非常棒!
4 . The butter has an odor of cheese about it.奶油的周圍飄蕩著乾酪的味道。
5 . Her garden was most fragrance in the spring.她家的花園到了春天芬芳四溢。
6 . Some restaurants give out an odor that reaches to the street.一些餐廳裡面的氣味飄到了街上。
7 . At times, the smell from the gutter can be rank.從下水溝時常冒出刺鼻的氣味。
8 . Ellen liked to smell her mother's cooking, when she came home.艾倫回到家來,喜歡聞一聞母親做的菜。
9 . The perfume was very delicate.那種香氣非常優雅。