Third Person(第三者)(二)
1 . Unfortunately, powerful companies to the most damage.不幸的是,龐大的公司幾乎都在製造公害。
2 . The builders are already making plans.建築家們已經在著手計劃了。
3 . Almost everyone is aware of environmental problems in America.在美國,幾乎人人都注意到環境問題。
4 . Slowly, stricter laws and regulations are being passed by Congress.慢慢地,在國會表決通過了更嚴厲的法律法規。
5 . Many people were against the new freeway.許多人反對新的高速公路。
6 . They are more interested in profit than beauty or health.他們對於利益比美麗或健康更感興趣。
7 . How much should people demand of their governments?國民對其政府應該要求多少呢?
8 . We hope they will improve the environment.我們希望他們把環境改善得更好。
9 . Do they think PROGRESS means more highways?他們認為有更多的高速公路就是「進步」嗎?