Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfast
1 . He put them both into his mouth.他把這兩枚硬幣全都放進嘴裡。
2 . There were coins everywhere.We looked for them, but we could not find them all.到處都是硬幣。我們雖然找了,但沒有把它們全部找到。
3 . 'How's Tommy?' he asked.「湯米怎麼樣?」他問。
4 . Tommy had already swallowed them!湯米已經把硬幣嚥了下去!
5 . Late that morning, when I was doing the housework, My husband phoned me from the office.那天下午的晚些時候,當我正做家務時,我丈夫從辦公室打來電話。
6 . We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.我們倆都試圖把這兩枚硬幣拿出來,但太遲了。
7 . When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.今天早晨我丈夫走進飯廳時,把一些硬幣掉在地上了。
8 . 'I don't know,' I answered, 'Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet!'「我不知道」,我回答說,「今天上午湯米去了3次廁所了,但我還沒看到硬幣!」
9 . While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.正當我們吃早飯時,我們的小男孩湯米在地上找到兩枚小硬幣。