我該怎麽開始 - 額外成就感英語對話,瘋狂英語精華演講卡,英語我該怎麽開始 - 額外成就感對白,我該怎麽開始 - 額外成就感英文怎麽說



我該怎麽開始 - 額外成就感用英語怎麽說


我該怎麽開始 - 額外成就感

1 . I seldom write a letter.我很少寫信。

2 . He was involued with the Mafia.他和黑手掌有牽連。

3 . He hesitated at nothing.他對任何事都不會猶豫不決。

4 . She never had the silghtest intention of involving herself with hem.她壓根就不想要跟他有什麼關係。

5 . The specification must be strictly adhered to.必須嚴格按照說明書上的做。

6 . He has more power in many ways than the President.在許多方面他的權力比我總統還大。

7 . She doesn't come as ofter as she used to.她現在已經不像以前那樣常來了。

8 . She seldom eats breakfase.她很少吃早餐。

9 . Of pigs and cows, the latter are more valuable.在豬和母牛之間,後者比較值錢。

10 . She had to keep out of sight when her husband was holding a meet.她在丈夫舉行會議時只得避不露面。

11 . I don't like her in some ways.在有些方面我不喜歡她。

12 . He devoted his life to promoting world peace.他一生致力於促進世界和平。

13 . We waved until the car was out of sight.我們揮手直到汽車消失。

14 . She hesitated about what to do next.他對下一步幹什麼拿不定主意。

15 . He devoted himself completely to his work.他完全投身於工作。

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