It's Up to You(選校風雲) ACT I
1 . What's all the cheering about?這麼高興是為什麼?
2 . That sounds fine.這樣聽起來蠻好的。
3 . What's it about?是關於什麼的?
4 . I am hungry.我真是餓了。
5 . What are you working on?你在幹什麼?
6 . I just spoke with Charley Rafer.我剛和Charley Rafer通了電話。
7 . I'll see you all at dinnertime.吃晚飯時見面了。
8 . It is great.的確是太好了。
9 . You'll be OK.你不會有問題的。
10 . It's one of the best schools in the country, Robbie.這是全國最好的大學之一, Robbie。
11 . Hail to the conquering heroes,向進取的英雄們致敬,
12 . I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.我替你帶來一份 肉三明治和一杯牛奶。
13 . I want you to know something, Son.我希望你知道一件事, 孩子。
14 . You have lots of time to decide.你有很多時間做決定。
15 . You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan.你再也找不到一所比Michigan大學更好的醫學院了?
16 . We were both on the tennis team.我們都是網球隊的隊員。
17 . maybe you should think about becoming a writer.也許你應考慮成為一名作家。
18 . Hail to the victors valiant,向勇敢的勝利者致敬,
19 . It doesn't mean you're going to Michigan.這並不是說你就要去Michigan大學。
20 . He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.他是Michigan大學的新生註冊主任。
21 . It doesn't mean you have to be a doctor.這並不意味著你一定要當醫生。
22 . I'm writing a story for the high-school paper.我正在為高中校刊寫一篇東西。
23 . always makes one a little nervous.總是讓人有些緊張。
24 . Come on in, Dad.請進來 ,爸爸。
25 . Ten o'clock tomorrow morning.明早十點鐘。
26 . to interview applicants for admission.與申請入學者面談。
27 . We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning.明早第一件事就是去那。
28 . And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's.有意思的是 他和Philip是同班同學。
29 . The scary part's leaving home and moving to college.害怕的是要離開家搬到學校去。
30 . making my own decisions, doesn't it?我自己能做決定, 對嗎?
31 . I felt the same way.我當時也有這種感受。
32 . Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there.你爺爺進那個工學院。
33 . He's going to be in New York tomorrow明天, 他要來紐約
34 . I enjoy writing.我喜歡寫作。
35 . Can't you finish it tomorrow?你明天完成它不行嗎
36 . Is something still wrong, Robbie?還有什麼不對的地方嗎, Robbie?
37 . But I may not want to go to Michigan.但是, 我可能不去Michigan。
38 . And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule.他同意明天把你安排進他的面談名單裡 。
39 . Well, I've got an appointment at the hospital.好啦, 我在醫院有事。
40 . In that case, it's OK.這麼說 我就去。
41 . Going away to college for the first time第一次離家上大學,
42 . I'll be OK. I just need time to think.我會適應的, 我只是需要時間思考。
43 . What time is it, anyway?幾點了,順便問一下。
44 . Thanks, Dad.謝謝你 ,爸爸。
45 . but this is an important opportunity.但這是一次很重要的機會。
46 . I thought you might be hungry.我想你大概餓了。
47 . Better than that.比那種事更值得高興。
48 . And ... how do you feel?那……你的感覺是什麼?
49 . The champions of the West!西部的優勝者
50 . I know that, but ...這我知道, 但是……