談遺傳學英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談遺傳學對白,談遺傳學英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Genetics is a whold new industry with huge market potential.基因是一門新興產業且擁有巨大的潛在市場。

2 . Cloning technology is good news for those patients who need organ transplants.克隆技術對於那些需要器官移植的病人來說是個福音。

3 . Radiation exposure can damage your genes and make them vulnerable to mutation.輻射會破壞你的基因組織,使它們突變。

4 . Many people believe that GM food is not good for your health.許多人認為基因改良食品對健康有害。

5 . Genes are the very building blocks of life.基因是生命最基本的構建者。

6 . With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome.如果缺省染色體,一個處於成長階段的胚胎可能發育成一個具有不良綜合症的小孩。

7 . Genetically modified foods and green foods are different.經基因改良的食物與綠色食物是不同的。

8 . An individual's sex and characteristics are determinded by their unique set of genes.個人性別和性格是由他們特有的一套基因決定的。

9 . The cloning of human organs is controversial.人類器官克隆是極具爭議性的。

10 . Could human beings one day be built on a production line just like any other products?人類是否有一天會如其它產品般在生產線上生產?

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瘋狂英語 900 句