Unit 13 Merry Christmas
1 . Everybody here is busy getting ready for it and buying Christmas presents.這裡的每一個人都在忙於為聖誕節做準備和忙於購買聖誕節禮物。
2 . I didn't mind, because it was really cold in Moscow. There was thick snow everywhere!我並不介意,因為莫斯科的天氣非常寒冷。到處都可看見厚厚的雪!
3 . Where's Jim Green?吉姆·林格去哪了?
4 . We stopped in Moscow on the way, but only for an hour or two, so there was no time to go into the centre of the city.我們在莫斯科停了一下,但只停了一兩個小時,所以沒有時間去市中心玩。
5 . But we won't have our big family get-together until Christmas.但我們要等到聖誕節才會有家庭大團圓。
6 . We chose a big one. It is almost as tall as the room.我們選了一棵大的。它幾乎和房間一樣高。
7 . We had a very good journey home.我們回家的旅途很順利。
8 . Really? Oh well, no news is good news.真的嗎?噢,沒有消息就是好消息。
9 . Have you received a letter from Jim yet?你收到了吉姆的來信沒有?
10 . Good afternoon! I am. Today is 16th of December, 1995. Everybody is here except Jim Green.下午好!今天我值日。今天是(星期和日期)。除了吉姆·格林外,所有人都到齊了。
11 . The sitting room looks really beautiful at the moment.此刻客廳顯得非常美麗。
12 . Please give them all my best wishes. I hope Polly is well, too.請向他們轉達我的最良好的祝願。我還希望波利也很好。
13 . That's right. I remember now.對了。我現在想起來了。
14 . How time files! More than a week has passed already!光陰似箭!已經過了一周多時間了!
15 . I had a seat beside the window.我的座位在窗口旁
16 . He's gone to England with his family. He won't be back until January.他和家人一起回英國了。要到元月份才回來。
17 . Please write soon and tell me all your news.噢,我得停筆了。請快點回信,告訴我你們的一切。
18 . Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!聖誕快樂,並致以新年的良好祝願!
19 . I hope that you and everybody at school are all well.我希望你和學校裡的每一個人都很好。
20 . Please tell Mr Hu that I am working hard on my Chinese.請告訴胡先生,說我正在努力學習漢語。
21 . It is now standing in the corner of our sitting room.它現在就站在客廳的一個角落。
22 . Kate has covered it with Christmas lights.凱特給它掛上了聖誕綵燈。
23 . But I didn't see much during the flight because there was too much cloud.但我在飛行途中並沒有看到什麼東西,因為雲層很厚。
24 . Tomorrow is christmas Eve, and my father and I went to choose a Christmas tree today.明天是聖誕節前夜,今天我和父親去選聖誕樹。
25 . There is a fire burning in the fireplace, and the Christmas tree lights are shining brightly.火在壁爐裡熊熊燃燒,聖誕樹的綵燈在交相交爍。
26 . I will have to choose presents for all the family soon, but I haven't chosen any yet!我很快就要為每一位家庭成員選購禮物,但我至今還什麼也沒買!
27 . Good afternoon, class! Who's on duty today?同學們,下午好!今天誰值日?
28 . Mum slept almost the whole way.媽媽在整個途中幾乎都在睡覺。
29 . We've seen several members of the family since we arrived my grandfather and my aunt and uncle.自我們回來以後已經見到了好幾個家庭成員祖父、姑姑和叔叔。
30 . Don't forget to give her some food and change her water, will you?請不要忘記給她一些食物和換水,你不會忘記吧?
31 . Is she very unhappy without me?沒有我在她是不是很不愉快?