Unit 23 Rescuing the temple英語對話,高一英語課文,英語Unit 23 Rescuing the temple對白,Unit 23 Rescuing the temple英文怎麽說



Unit 23 Rescuing the temple用英語怎麽說


Unit 23 Rescuing the temple

1 . If we go to visit the High Dam, we can take a boat to visit the temple at Abu Simbel.如果我們去遊覽高壩,我們還可以乘船去觀看阿布·辛拜勒神廟。

2 . I'd like to do some shopping, but not during the day.我願意買些東西,但不必白天去。

3 . It's a lovely windy day today.今天是個有風的好天氣。

4 . There are plenty of interesting places to visit.那兒有很多遊覽勝地。

5 . Then we can see Aswan without walking too much.而且不必走太多路我們就可以觀看到阿斯旺。

6 . It's on the edge of the lake that has been made by the Dam.這座廟座落在由高壩形成的湖邊上。

7 . The sun will burn you if you're not careful.要是你不當心,太陽會把你曬黑的。

8 . Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.那麼,想乘船的人就可以在乘船遊覽之後到阿斯旺各處走走。

9 . I think we should do that another day. Then we can leave early in the morning before it gets too hot.我想我們還是改天再去遊覽高壩吧。那樣我們可以一清早就動身,免得天氣太熱。

10 . Maybe we could go shopping this evening.或許我們可以今晚去買東西。

11 . Well, there are several things we could do.唔,有幾件事是我們可以做的。

12 . I think that's a good idea.我認為那是個好主意。

13 . Can't we visit the High Dam? I've read a lot about it; it's the biggest in the world.我們不能去參觀高壩嗎?我已讀了很多關於高壩的情況;它是世界上最大的。

14 . We could visit the town of Aswan.我們可以遊覽阿斯旺城。

15 . I'd prefer to do that tomorrow. I don't feel like walking very much today.我寧可明天遊覽。今天我不太想步行。

16 . I'd like to take a boat on the River Nile.我想乘船在尼羅河上遊覽。

17 . You'd better take a hat.你最好戴上帽子。

18 . What shall we do today?我們今天幹什麼?

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