Grandpa's Trunk(祖父的行李箱) ACT I
1 . She's unhappy她很不高興。
2 . Well, hi, fellas.你們大家好。
3 . I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.我真想去火車站接爺爺。
4 . When does he arrive?他什麼時候到?
5 . He always makes me laugh.他總是讓我笑。
6 . You know I'm very excited about his arrival.知道我對他的到來是多麼興奮。
7 . Not Grandpa.爺爺不是這種人。
8 . We are, too.我們也很興奮。
9 . You know,maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a welcome present.我說,或許我把爺爺的一些照片組合起來,作為歡迎他的一份禮物。
10 . It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.總是需要一段時間才能適應一個新的環境。
11 . It's from the Fathers and Sons' Breakfast那是在父子早餐會上拍的。
12 . He's something!他真了不起!
13 . Susan called early this morning. Susan一大早打電話來。
14 . Me, too. Milk, please.我也一樣。請遞給我牛奶。
15 . Are you sure about that?你真的這麼想嗎?
16 . She always reminds him of Grandma. Susan總是讓他想起奶奶。
17 . Railroad stations or airports--Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.無論是火車站還是機場,爺爺總是說他會自個兒設法到這 。
18 . because she's had to go to Chicago on a business trip and can't leave till tonight.因為她得到芝加哥出差,而且要到今晚才能脫身。
19 . He likes to be independent.他獨立性很強。
20 . I don't know. It's locked.不知道, 鎖著呢。
21 . Oh. I have the key. Grandpa sent it to me.啊。鑰匙在這裡。爺爺寄來給我的。
22 . Fine. We were just wondering about this trunk.好啦。我們正納悶這隻大衣箱呢。
23 . Oh, I remember this picture.噢 我還記得這張照片。
24 . I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa.一想到要見到爺爺, 我就覺得興奮。
25 . Is this all Grandpa's stuff?這裡面都是爺爺的東西嗎?
26 . But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train.不過我相信他在火車上還有幾件行李的。
27 . She wants to be here for Grandpa.她原希望在此等爺爺。
28 . I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in my wallet.我皮夾裡有一張照片,是爺爺、爸爸和我在一起照的。
29 . At this time tomorrow morning,Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.明早這時候爺爺就和我們一起坐在廚房啦。
30 . Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too.爺爺也會感到失望。
31 . It's crazy here most of the time.這兒經常吵吵鬧鬧。
32 . Won't he miss being in Florida?他不會想念佛羅里達嗎?
33 . But I think he'll like being here with the family.但我想他也會喜歡和全家人住在這兒。
34 . at my junior high school graduation.在我初中畢業的時候。
35 . I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us.我希望爺爺喜歡和我們住在一起。
36 . Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room.對了,我們上去準備一下爺爺的房間。
37 . What can I do?那我能做點什麼呢?
38 . I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet.我想在爺爺的衣櫥 放幾個好的衣架。
39 . We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room.我們要上樓收拾一下爺爺的房間。
40 . That's a neat idea.這是個好主意。
41 . Well, how's everything here?唔,東西都收拾好了嗎?
42 . Are we picking him up at the station?我們要去車站接他嗎?
43 . I am so excited!我感到好興奮。
44 . He doesn't want anybody picking him up.他不願意讓別人接他。
45 . What's inside?這裡面是什麼?
46 . Coffee, please.請來點咖啡。
47 . There's coffee ready.咖啡準備好了。
48 . Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn要咖啡還是茶?