1 . Now, tell us something about your trip.好,跟我們說說你的旅行。
2 . What's happening in Singapore recently?近來新加坡的情況怎樣?
3 . It's great. Although the economy is pretty slow as usual, it's picking up.很好。雖然經濟發展照常地緩慢,不過已開始回升。
4 . Yes, we are surprised to meet you here.是的,我們意外在這兒見到了你。
5 . Well, I never! I thought you were in HongKong.哎,我真沒想到!我還以為你在香港呢。
6 . That's good news.這是個好消息。
7 . Andy, oh my God. I can't believe it. What are you doing here? I thought you're in Singapore.安迪,我的天,竟然在這裡遇見你。你在這裡幹什麼?我以為你在新加坡。
8 . Look, who's here, Peter!看,這是誰,彼得!
9 . Just got back. It's good to see you both again.剛剛回來。真幸運再次見到你們二位。
10 . I was. I came back here last month on vacation.本來是,不過上個月回來度假。
11 . Tom, is that you?湯姆,是你嗎?