1 . Warn the trucking company to take it easy.吩咐卡車運輸公司要小心啊。
2 . I'll check the rates and call you back.我來查一下價目再給你回電。
3 . We need our order number on the outside of each box.我們需要每隻箱子的外觀都打上訂購號碼。
4 . Yes, we'll do that for you.好的,我們會的。
5 . Are you going to ship this by air?這批貨你要用空運的嗎?
6 . That costs quite bit more.那要多花好多錢。
7 . Please make sure you mark the shipment for careful handling.請不要忘了在貨物上標明「小心搬運」。