1 . The price increases haven't been too bad at all.沒有漲太多。
2 . The third item has been omitted.第三項目漏掉了。
3 . How do they compare to last year's?與去年的相比怎麼樣。
4 . That's good to hear.let's take a look at your prices.那好,我們來看看你的報價吧。
5 . I have a question about this quotation you submitted.你提出的報價我有問題。
6 . Oh, yes.we don't carry that item anymore.哦,是的,那一項目我們不再賣了。
7 . Here are the quotations that you asked for.這是你的報的價。
8 . We aren't able to supply the third ad fifth items.第三及第五項目,我們沒有貨供應。
9 . No, not all of them.不,沒辦法全部。
10 . Were you able to quote on all the items we need?我們需要的每個項目你都能報價嗎。
11 . I'll give you a call when we are ready to talk about them.等我們準備好可以談的時候,我會打電話給你。