





1 . I am not in agreement with what he said.他說的話我不能同意。

2 . I find that hard to swallow.對這一點我難一相信。

3 . That was not the case.事實並非如此。

4 . Don't be too sure.別那麼肯定。

5 . I see your point, but I can't really agree with you.我明白你的觀點, 但我的確不能贊同。

6 . That's not true.那不是真的。

7 . That's not what I heard.這與我瞭解的情況有出入。

8 . I don't think so.我不這麼想。

9 . I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this.恐怕我們在這一點上達不成共識。(see eye to eye on sth : 對某事看法一致。)

10 . You've got the facts wrong.你把事實搞錯了。

11 . Do you really think so?你真的這麼想嗎?

12 . I don't know about that.我表示懷疑。

13 . I'm not convinced.我持保留態度。

14 . I don't think you've got your facts straight.我認為你沒有把事實搞清楚。

15 . All right, let's agree to differ on this topic.好吧,我們在這個問題上保留各自的觀點。

16 . Don't speak too soon.話不要說得太早。

17 . I must take issue with your over what you said at the meeting.我要和你好好談談你在會上說的那些話。(take issue with someone: 對某人的觀點提出異議。)

18 . I'll believe it when I see it.我覺得還是眼見為實。

19 . I'm afraid I have a different opinion.恐怕我的看法和你不一樣。

20 . I wouldn't say that.我並不那麼忍為。

21 . That's not how I see it.我並不這麼看。

22 . You know it isn't true.你心裡明白那不是真的。

23 . I'm afraid I don't share your opinion.我不敢苟同。

24 . That ain't the way I need it.據我所知,不時那麼會事。

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