46 Linden Street(林登大街46號) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語46 Linden Street(林登大街46號) ACT III對白,46 Linden Street(林登大街46號) ACT III英文怎麽說



46 Linden Street(林登大街46號) ACT III用英語怎麽說


46 Linden Street(林登大街46號) ACT III

1 . No, thanks.不用了, 謝謝。

2 . Would you like something to eat?來吃點東西, 好嗎?

3 . Oh, that's not too far from here!噢, 那兒不很遠。

4 . Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra.你真的幫了我一個大忙, Alexandra。

5 . They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat.他們馬上就到。他們一到就開飯。

6 . Thanks, no. I do have to go.謝謝了, 不用。我真的得走了。

7 . Somenoe will find it.總有人發現它的。

8 . A whole day's work.一整天的成果呀。

9 . Yes, it was delicious.對, 味道非常好。

10 . Very! Hey, she forgot her bag!非常! 嘿 她忘了她的旅行包!

11 . Take it easy, Robbie.不要太緊張 ,Robbie。

12 . Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat.你哥哥將他的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

13 . Hello, Richard. I found your bag!哈囉,Richard, 我找到你的旅行袋。

14 . So, you're an exchange student.哦,你是一名交換學生。

15 . I found it.我發現了它。

16 . I hope it's pasta.我希望是意大利麵食。

17 . Biology and mathematics.生物學和數學。

18 . Is that all right with everyone?各位有意見嗎?

19 . It's nice to meet you.很高興見到你 。

20 . Oh, thank you! Thank you!哦, 謝謝, 謝謝 。

21 . I'm late for dinner at my house.我回家吃晚飯要遲到了。

22 . And good stuff, too.而且都很精采。

23 . Oh, it was no trouble.哦 沒什麼麻煩。

24 . Robbie, the dinner was terrific.Robbie,晚餐真是棒透了。

25 . Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday,so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back.既然如此 或許哪個星期天你能來吃中飯讓我們好好地感謝你送回Richard的旅行袋。

26 . Oh, I'd love some ice cream.哦, 我想吃冰淇淋。

27 . I'm really glad to see you.非常高興見到 。

28 . We've got lots of ice cream.我們有很多冰淇淋。

29 . I mean...my brother'll be really glad to see you!我的意思是我哥哥見到你會非常高興。

30 . Where do you go to school?你在哪裡上學?

31 . Oh, that's a very good school.哦, 那是個好學校。

32 . I made it myself.我自己做的。

33 . Richard told us all about you.Richard跟我們談起你 。

34 . I'll have vanilla.我要香草的。

35 . Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece.Alexandra是從希臘來的交換高中生。

36 . Richard tells me you're a doctor.Richard告訴我您是醫生。

37 . What are your favorite subjects?喜歡哪些課程?

38 . It might be a little cold.可能有點涼了。

39 . And...ah...you met Robbie.還有……啊,你已經見過Robbie。

40 . At the Bronx High School of Science.在Bronx區的理科中學讀書。

41 . It's a surprise.會給你一個驚喜。

42 . She has to work late tonight.她今晚得工作得晚一些。

43 . I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.我很高興你發現了旅行袋而且不怕麻煩花時間將它送來。

44 . Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。

45 . I'll get it. Hello.我去開門。哈囉。

46 . Thanks. Excuse me.謝謝。失陪一下。

47 . Yes, he's my brother.是的。他是我哥哥。

48 . Would you like some pasta?想來點意大利麵食嗎?

49 . I'll have chocolate.我要巧克力的。

50 . What's for dessert?有什麼甜點呢?

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