冠詞與名詞英語對話,英語語法突破 200 句,英語冠詞與名詞對白,冠詞與名詞英文怎麽說




英語語法突破 200 句


1 . After you visit your mom in the hospital, call me so we can meet at the movies.在醫院看過你媽媽之後,給我打電話,我們在電影院碰面。

2 . There's a hair in my soup.我的湯裡有根頭髮。

3 . The Shaws naturally were a musical family.肖氏一家天生愛好音樂。

4 . He was a sleek, short man with a bright bald-head, pink face, and gold-rimmed glasses.他身材矮小,穿著時髦,頭光禿,面粉紅,戴一副金絲邊眼鏡。

5 . Members of the press weren't allowed into the meeting.新聞記者不得進入會場。

6 . He lives in a two-room apartment.他住在一套兩房公寓裡。

7 . Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the lakes in the world.貝加兒湖是世界上最深的湖泊。

8 . The are no batteries in the radio.收音機裡沒電池。

9 . An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我。

10 . The Macdonalds finished supper at Macdonald's, and then bowled at the bowling alley.麥可糖那一家在麥當勞吃過晚飯後去球館打保齡。

11 . The beautiful are envied by the ugly.美人總為醜陋者所嫉妒。

12 . There was no electricity in my dorm last night.昨晚我宿舍沒電。

13 . You've got very long hair.你的頭髮很長。

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英語語法突破 200 句