Unit 3 Mid-Autumn day英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 3 Mid-Autumn day對白,Unit 3 Mid-Autumn day英文怎麽說



Unit 3 Mid-Autumn day用英語怎麽說


Unit 3 Mid-Autumn day

1 . Can't you see? Look! It has an egg in it.你沒看見嗎?瞧!裡面有一隻蛋。

2 . Yes, a little.是的,有點兒。

3 . Yes, please. But why do you call them mooncakes?行啊,請給我一個吧。但你們為什麼叫它月餅?

4 . Lucy, are you hungry?露茜,你餓了嗎?

5 . I'd like you to meet my parents, too.我也想讓你們見見我的父母。

6 . You and Lily must come over to my house and see!你和莉莉應該到我家來看看!

7 . Nuts? Delicious! This is the nicest of all!有果仁?味道很好!這是所有月餅中最好的!

8 . My friend Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat.我的朋友李雷喜歡放有肉的月餅。

9 . There they look at the moon, and eat the cakes.Mmmm! How delicious they are!他們賞月,吃月餅。唔!它們(月餅)多好吃呀!

10 . But I think the ones with nuts in them are nicer.但我認為有果仁的那些更好。

11 . Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Day.在中國人人喜歡中秋節。

12 . At night, families often stay in the open air near their houses.晚上很多人家常呆在附近戶外。

13 . Some have nuts in them, and some have meat or eggs.有些裡面有果仁,有些有肉或蛋。

14 . Oh? What are mooncakes?噢?月餅是什麼?

15 . I'm not hungry. I'm full!我不餓。我飽了!

16 . A mooncake is a delicious, round cake.月餅是一種味美的圓糕點。

17 . Lucy, would you like another cake?露茜,你想再要一塊蛋糕嗎?

18 . What's that?那是什麼日子?

19 . It usually comes in September or October.中秋節通常在9月或10月份。

20 . It looks like the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes.它看起來像月亮。月餅的種類很多。

21 . Hi, Lucy! Are you free tomorrow night?你好,露茜!明天晚上你有空嗎?

22 . Oh, we can call it Mid-Autumn Day. We eat mooncakes on that day.噢,我們管它叫中秋節。過節那天我們吃月餅。

23 . Good! Would you like another one?好!你想再要一個嗎?

24 . Another one? They're delicious -- but no, thank you very much.再吃一塊?味道是很好,但我不要了,非常感謝。

25 . On that day everyone eats mooncakes.過節那天大家都吃月餅。

26 . Hi, Han Meimei!你好,韓梅梅!

27 . Now have one of these. It has nuts in it.現在吃個這種的。裡面放有果仁。

28 . I'm hungry. I'm having another one.我餓了。我再吃一塊。

29 . Yes. What day is it tomorrow?有。明天是什麼日子?

30 . It's Zhong Qiu Jie.明天是中秋節。

31 . Nice to see you, too!見到你我也很高興!

32 . May I? Thanks. Oh, this one is nicer than the other one. What's in it?可以嗎?謝謝。噢,這個比那個更好點兒。裡面放的是什麼?

33 . Can't you see? They're round, like the moon. Have one, please.你沒看見嗎?它們像月亮一樣,圓圓的。請吃一個吧。

34 . This mooncake is very nice.這個月餅很好。

35 . Would you like one of these mooncakes?你要不要吃個月餅?

36 . Han Meimei says the nicest cakes come from Guangdong.韓梅梅說廣式月餅最好。

37 . Oh, good evening, Lucy. Come in. Nice to see you!噢,晚上好,露茜。請進。見到你真高興!

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