Unit 12 Mainly Revision英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 12 Mainly Revision對白,Unit 12 Mainly Revision英文怎麽說



Unit 12 Mainly Revision用英語怎麽說


Unit 12 Mainly Revision

1 . No, not very. You need a driving permit. Have you got one?不,不很貴。你需要一個駕駛執照。你有沒有?

2 . How long are you planning to stay over here?你打算在這裡呆多久?

3 . What would you prefer to do?你喜歡看點什麼?

4 . I'd come too if I had time to spare.如果我能勻出時間,我也願意去。

5 . We could have a walk around. Let's go out at about six o'clock, shall we?我們可以四處走走。咱們大約6點出發,行嗎?

6 . Then you can pick up a hire car and travel around.然後你可以開著租來的車四處旅行。

7 . Ours is a fairly new country, so our cities and towns are modern.我們的國家是個很新的國家,所以我們的城鎮很現代化。

8 . You've got lots of old buildings in your country.你們國家有許多古老的建築物。

9 . Why not take a friend with you?為什麼不邀上個朋友和你一起去呢?

10 . Well, I suggest you see some of our national parks.那麼,我建議你參觀一下我們的國家公園。

11 . That sounds like a good idea. I have a few friends I could ring to see if they're free.聽起來是個好主意。我可以打電話給我的幾個朋友看看他們是否有空。

12 . I suggest you take a tent.我建議你帶上一個帳篷。

13 . I say, shall we go downtown this evening?喂,今晚我們上街怎麼樣?

14 . But I guess we've got some of the most beautiful mountains and countryside in the world.但我想我們有一些世界上最美的山脈和鄉村。

15 . Is there anything else I should do?我還有別的事要做嗎?

16 . Do what you feel like!做你想要做的事!

17 . Then you can share the cost of the gas and the car.這樣你們可以分攤汽油和租車的費用。

18 . Is it expensive to hire a car?租車貴不貴?

19 . I've got three weeks altogether. What do you suggest I see?我總共有三周時間。你建議我看些什麼呢?

20 . It's much cheaper to camp than to stay in a hotel.露營比住旅館要便宜多了。

21 . I think you'd better fly somewhere in the west.我認為你最好先飛到西部的一個地方。

22 . I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment.我可以借給你一頂帳篷和幾樣裝備。

23 . What about places to stay?那住的地方呢?

24 . Why don't you hire a car and drive around for a couple of weeks?你為什麼不租部車四處轉上一兩個星期呢?

25 . I think I'd like to see some of the things that one can't find in other countries.我想我喜歡看些別的國家看不到的東西。

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