Unit 5 Working hard on the farm英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 5 Working hard on the farm對白,Unit 5 Working hard on the farm英文怎麽說



Unit 5 Working hard on the farm用英語怎麽說


Unit 5 Working hard on the farm

1 . Oh, good! He's coming down the ladder, now.噢,好!現在他正從梯子上爬下來。

2 . Now she's holding it for Jim. Jim is climbing up the ladder.現在她在給吉姆扶著梯子。吉姆正在爬上梯子。

3 . They are too high. Be careful, Jim! It's dangerous.它們太高了,小心,吉姆!那很危險。

4 . Let's get on the bus.我們上車吧。

5 . Where's the farm, Li Lei? Is it far?農場在哪裡,李壘?遠嗎?

6 . They are working hard on the farm. The children are picking apples.他們正在農場賣力地幹活。孩子們在摘蘋果。

7 . Behind you. Can you reach them?在你後面!你夠得著嗎?

8 . There are some good apples over there.那邊有些好蘋果。

9 . Oh, yes, I can see them. But I can't reach them.噢,是的,我能看見它們。但我夠不著。

10 . No, I'm not. Good! I can reach them now. Catch!不,不高。好!現在我夠得著了。接住!

11 . Yes, I am. Please be careful, Meimei. Don't go too high.是的,我扶著呢,小心點兒,梅梅。不要上得太高!

12 . Morning, Jim!早上好,吉姆。

13 . No, you aren't. Oh, hello, Kate! Nice to see you!不,你沒遲到。噢,你好,凱特!很高興見到你!

14 . Only a few kilometres. I think it's about seven. OK. We're all here, now.謾N頤嵌嫉狡肓恕?

15 . Be careful. It's dangerous. You're too high.小心。危險!你上得太高了!

16 . He's picking the apples on that tree. He's putting them in a basket.他在摘那棵樹上的蘋果。他正在把蘋果放進一隻籃子裡。

17 . But mine are better than yours. Look! Yours are green, and quite small.但我的比你的好。瞧!你的是青的,而且很小。

18 . Mine are red, and they're much bigger!我的是紅的,並且比你的大得多!

19 . I have more than you. Do I have fewer apples than you? Let me see!says Jim.「我的蘋果比你的多。」「我的蘋果比你的少嗎?讓我看看!」吉姆說。

20 . Working on a farm在農場勞動

21 . Some of the apples are hard to reach.有些蘋果很難夠得著。

22 . Don't worry. I'm OK.別擔心。我沒事。

23 . Jim looks at Li Lei's apples. Oh! he says.吉姆看看李壘的蘋果。「噢!」他說

24 . Yes, you have more than me.是的,你的比我的多。

25 . Hi, Li Lei! Am I late?你好,李壘!我遲到了沒有?

26 . Look! There's Meimei! She's very strong. She's lifting that ladder.瞧!梅梅在那兒。她很強壯。她舉著把梯子。

27 . It's a fine day today, and everyone is busy.今天的天氣很好,大家都很忙。

28 . Are you holding the ladder, Jim?你扶住了梯子嗎,吉姆?

29 . You don't have many apples, Jim, says Li Lei.「你的蘋果不多,吉姆,」李壘說

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