英語語法突破 200 句
1 . Last year was a bad year for the company. There was a big fall in sales.去年公司不景氣。銷售額驟減。
2 . She got very angry and started shouting at me.她氣極了,衝我大喊。
3 . Do you think we will find a solution for the problem?你認為我們會解決這個問題嗎?
4 . Did you pay by check or cash?你用支票還是現金?
5 . Have you seen this article in the paper?你在報上看到過這篇文章嗎?
6 . He was late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.他又遲到了。他的特點就是讓別人等他。
7 . The train was late but nobody knew the reason for the delay.火車晚點了,但沒人知道為什麼。
8 . The train was traveling at 120 miles an hour.火車時速一百二十英里。
9 . I learnt to drive in four weeks。我四個星期就學會了開車。
10 . Sue accused me for being selfish.蘇指責我太自私。
11 . Don't look out of the window concentrate on your work.別看窗外,專心工作。
12 . London is on the river Thames.倫敦位於泰吾士河邊。
13 . I was standing at the back, so I couldn't see very well.我站在後面,看不清。
14 . The conference was very well organized. Everything began and finished on time.會議安排的很好。開始和結束都準時。
15 . I don't care for very hot weather.我不喜歡熱天。
16 . Do you give each other presents at Christmas?聖誕節你有送禮物給別人嗎?
17 . You'll find details of TV programs on page seven.你能在第七版找到電視節目的詳細預告。
18 . Thank you .It was very nice of you to help me.謝謝你幫我,你真好。
19 . We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way to the airport.去機場途中塞車了。
20 . There're usually a lot of parties on New Year's Eve.除夕之夜有很多晚會。
21 . I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.我得趕快,我想按時回家,去看球賽。
22 . I've never met him but I've talked to him on the net.我沒見過他,但我和他在網上聊過天。
23 . After working hard during the day I like to relax in the evening.白天幹了一天,晚上我要放鬆一下。
24 . Jim couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He didn't go anywhere in the end.幾畝決定不了去哪渡假,最終他哪兒也沒去。
25 . The firm closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product.工廠關門了,因為產品供過於求。
26 . At the end of the concert, there was a great applause.音樂會結束時,響起了熱烈的掌聲。
27 . I am very impressed with her English. It was good.我對她講的英語印象很深。很流利。
28 . Sometimes I have problems at work but on the whole I enjoy my job.有時我的工作也有問題,但總的來說,我喜歡我的工作。