Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT I對白,Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT I英文怎麽說



Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT I用英語怎麽說


Second Honeymoon(二度蜜月) ACT I

1 . We've earned it. What do you say?我們有這樣做的權利。你說呢?

2 . Can you recommend someplace nice--someplace nearby?你能給我們介紹一個好地方嗎, 一個附近的地方?

3 . Done! You and I, Mrs. Stewart.辦到了! Stewart太太和我,

4 . My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend.我媽媽在這個週末可以照顧小寶寶。

5 . Yes, we'll be arriving by car about ten o'clock Friday night.是的, 我們將於星期五晚上十點鐘左右開車抵達。

6 . That's fine. Thank you.很好。謝謝你。

7 . Are you sure? But ... OK.你確定嗎? 但……算了。

8 . Great! What is the daily rate?太棒了, 房間一天多少錢?

9 . are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn.將到Watermill Inn去度第二次蜜月。

10 . What about the baby?那小寶寶怎麼辦?

11 . Wait! Don't hang up!等等, 別掛斷電話!

12 . It won't be the same, but what do you say?那就不一樣了, 但你說呢?

13 . It does sound tempting.聽起來很誘人。

14 . Where are we going to be?我們會在哪兒?

15 . Ah. She's out.啊。她出去了。

16 . where would you choose to spend our anniversary?會選哪裡去度我們的結婚週年紀念日

17 . has agreed to take care of him for the weekend.同意在週末照顧他。

18 . Oh, Richard! That's wonderful, but--噢, Richard ,那真是太好了, 可是……

19 . Just because. How's the baby?沒有原因。孩子好嗎?

20 . I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon.當初我們度蜜月時我便很喜歡那個地方。

21 . Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary.為了五年的幸福。祝你結婚五年快樂!

22 . Great! I'll make a reservation right now.太好了, 我現在就訂房間。

23 . Remember that wonderful little balcony還記得那個美妙小陽台,

24 . Aren't we taking the baby on our honeymoon?我們豈不是要帶小寶寶一起去度蜜月?

25 . Hello. Is Mrs. Montefiore there?喂, Montefiore太太在嗎?

26 . My wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary.我太太和我要慶祝一下我們的結婚五週年。

27 . The world's greatest grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart,世界上最偉大的祖母, Ellen Stewart太太,

28 . Yes. I'll hold. He's checking. You do?好, 我會等。他正在查。真的有了?

29 . Too much? She loves taking care of Max.太麻煩?她喜歡照顧Max。

30 . We'd like to make a reservation for this weekend.我們想預訂一個這個週末的房間。

31 . Yes, a double room, please. What?對, 雙人房間 麻煩你。什麼?

32 . If you had your choice of all the places in the world.假如你可以選擇世界上的任何地方。

33 . He says there's another inn他說還有另一家旅館,

34 . Well, we'll phone every hour,好了, 我們每個小時都打電話

35 . with a view of the Hudson River?可以看到Hudson河?

36 . Would you happen to have a room for two availbale你們可有一個雙人房間

37 . just half a mile down the road from the Watermill.從Watermill往下走只要半英哩。

38 . What's this for?為什麼要送我花?

39 . But our anniversary isn't until Saturday.但是要到星期六才是我們結婚週年呀。

40 . But ... I'll miss him.但是……我會想他的。

41 . How could I forget?我怎麼會忘呢?

42 . Richard, isn't that too much to ask of your mother?Richard,那是不是太麻煩你母親啦?

43 . What are the flowers for, Richard?究竟為什麼送花 ,Richard?

44 . It's five years ago.那是五年前了。

45 . My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the inn.我太太和我在你們旅館度的蜜月。

46 . where we had our meals ...我們用餐的地方……

47 . Right. And the phone number?好的。電話是多少?

48 . You're right. We've earned it.你說得對,我們有這樣做的權利。

49 . No buts.不要說可是。

50 . Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday.另外, 我們星期六將不在這兒了。

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